Uploaded to freedos.sharedaemon.org are new torrents and also xdelta
files that you can use to patch your old ISOs and update them without
downloading the whole files again.  Jim Hall should also have them
uploaded to ibiblio soon.

This release brings several advancements over the last release such as
PCI autodetection for a number of NICs including IBM Token Ring NICs,
SureCOM E-320X-S compatible NICs, SMC 9232, 9332, 9334 and
compatibles, Davicom DM9102 and compatibles, RealTek 8139 and
compatibles, EtherExpress Pro/10, Pro/100B and compatibles, and NE2000
and compatibles.  The installation can set up a boot splash if the
user installs the bsplash package in the extra diskset.  Also, several
drivers can be downloaded and installed such as the VIA sound card
driver and USB drivers.

The link for the Small ISO is:

and the link for the Large ISO is:

The delta patch for the Small ISO is at:

and the delta patch for the Large ISO is at:

(BTW, the delta files can be applied with xdelta for Windows or Unixes)

The new md5sums are:
57470686e8aa378173c6c3c94ff5658d *Small ISO

77a6f253634e1d82f5f6502e2aa293f0 *FDBOOTCD.iso

The new readme reads:
The files available here are:
The small ISO
The large ISO

These files are intended for testing only at this point as they are
largely untested and likely
have many problems to be worked out.  For those just looking to to a
basic install with updated
packages this should be fine, but there are no guarantees.

The small ISO:
        This is the file that most people will be wanting.  This is a FreeDOS
with the Base, Edit, Lang, Util, and Net disksets, in addition to an
'Extra' diskset with many
other useful programs.  This is almost half the size of the large ISO
because it lacks ANY source
packages.  If you only want some source packages, it is probably best
to download them

The large ISO:
        This is the file that mostly developers will be wanting.  This is a 
Install/LiveCD with all disksets in addition to the 'Extra' diskset
and 'SRC_EX' diskset which
consists of many useful programs and their sources.  This is almost
double the size of
the small ISO because it contains ALL of the source packages.  Again,
if you only want some source
packages, it is probably better to download them seperately.  This ISO
is available for GPL

        This file contains the md5 hashes for the above two files so that you
can check to make
sure that the files were downloaded correctly.

Both CDs contain updated packages including the latest HTML Help
binary compiled with kitten,
Devload 3.15, OSPlus Editor 2.1.1, MPXPlay 1.52, HXRT 1.28.1, 7za
4.23, Format 0.91u, EMM386 2.04,
HIMEM 3.11, OpenGEM 4.0 Update 3, FDXMS 0.94, and FDXMS286 0.03.  The
LiveCD portion of the CD-ROM
contains useful software like the entire Base diskset, MPXPlay, 7za,
Open Watcom, and games like
Bolitaire and Jump'n'Bump.

After installing FreeDOS from the CD-ROM, you can do several useful
things not available from
the original FreeDOS CD-ROM.  You can update the kernel to the latest
unstable kernel via wget
by typing 'krnlupdt' at the command prompt if wget is installed.  If
you don't want a package
installed anymore, you can remove it by typing 'fdpkg binary remove
<pkgname>' for a binary
package and 'fdpkg source remove <pkgname>' for a source package
(example: 'fdpkg binary remove
UDMA2').  If you want to install further software from the CD-ROM, set
the 'cdrep' environment
variable to your CD-ROM drive (set 'CDREP=D:'), then type 'fdcdrom
<pkgname>' and it will find
the package on the cdrom and install it (example: 'fdcdrom OWATCOM' to
install Open Watcom).

Enjoy Testing!


Release 2 - 
Updated XCopy to kittenized version
Added some humour in crynwr.bat
Went UPX crazy
\FREEDOS\LICENCES.TXT contains messages that allow distribution of
certain programs.
Fixed a major bug in fdpkg.bat
Added the MS Sidewinder Driver
Added Mouskeys
Added Joykeys
Added Slowdown
Added a USB4DOS installer
Added a VIA sound driver installer
Added an ASPI.SYS driver installer
Added an F-Prot Installer
Updated OpenGEM to Update 3
Updated GRUB4DOS to 0.4.1pre22
Added LSPPP to livecd and crynwr.bat
Simplified wattcp.cfg
Updated HXRT to 1.28.1
Fixed minor bugs
Added boot splash package
Added crynwr auto-configuration; also in livecd

Release 1 - Initial release

Todo - 
Add UHCI.EXE and OHCI.EXE to usb downloads.
Make a games diskset if I find enough games to fill it.
Make a drivers diskset if there are enough driver packages
Add bootpong
PCMCIA autodetection and driver download
Something like a control panel and hardware setup wizard

Known Bugs - 
In crynwr.bat, the line that says "if "%errorlevel%"=="0" set
pktcmd=ethersl 0x60 > NUL" should say "if "%errorlevel%"=="0" set
pktcmd=e100bpkt 0x60 > NUL"
I might have forgotten to allow autosetup of F-Prot.  If I did, just
run fdpkg configure fprot to set it up.


Blair Campbell

Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change
color and fall from the trees.
   David Letterman (1947 - )

See ya

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