Is anyone current on what is available for operating system selection?

For years I used VCom System Commander, up to SC 2000.  When that had 
trouble with OS/2 on some hardware I went to Acronis OS selector V5.  I 
now have 8, 9 and 10.  They do not seem to understand booting a 
partition that is above 1024.

The OS I need\want are DOS, Win and OS/2.  My setup for years has been; 
FAT16 C: as the only primary, holding DOS and W9X, and the rest 
extended.  When things were changing C: had multiple versions of each. 
It now has FreeDOS and W98SE.

The rest of the HDD is a single extended.  For Win I have moved to W2K. 
  I keep W98SE as a maintenance installation, mostly to fix FAT32 
partitions.  I use FAT32 partitions to share apps and data between the 
three OSs.

I have OS/2 Warp4 on a FAT16.  My challenge is that the current version 
of OS/2; eCommStation (eCS) wants to use HPFS, which neither DOS nor Win 
can access and DOS cannot even see.  The only way I have found to have 
DOS and the other OSs see the same drive letters is to put all HPFS 
after all FAT, and that puts eCS above 1024.

And that leaves me needing an OS selector that understands 
1024\interrupt 13.

Or, someone could add HPFS support to the FreeDOS kernel.


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