Boy was I having fun getting my multi-boot flash drive to off of numerous 
operating systems.  That is, until I accidentally blew away a fairly large 
Yes, it was a careless and potentially costly mistake.  Fortunately much of the 
data was backed up, but not all of it.
I did this dirty deed with FreeDOS 1.0 FDISK & format, on an approximately 30 
GB FAT32 partition.  I immediately looked at unformat, but I noticed that the 
message displayed after running format was something like "unformat data not 
saved" or "..unavailable".  The format process was extremely quick, like maybe 
5 seconds or less.
There seems to be a wide variety of data recovery products that profess to work 
on FAT32 partitions after a format.  But before I download, buy, try something 
1. To those who know this OS and the nuances of what FreeDOS's format actually 
does, do you have any particular suggestions?
2. Anything I should avoid?  Any data recovery programs recommended or that I 
should avoid (i.e. might make the situation worse)?
I have used FreeDOS for numerous tasks in recent years.  Thanks for the great 
program, and any constructive suggestions you can offer are greatly appreciated.

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