I, for one, am a regular user of Euphoria in DOS. Actually, I'm even a 
registered user, from the days when it was shareware. Over the years I 
ported all my previous MS-Basic programs to Euphoria.

Every day I run under FreeDOS many Euphoria programs. They became 
invaluable to me. Here are some which I wrote myself:

- Email reader, which correctly deals with the tree structure of the
  MIME standard by using a recursive routine

- Calculations for the design of mechanical parts of a product I am

- Text analysis to help me in large translation jobs, like the 
  technical book I'm doing now, with 200,000 words. This is actually 
  helping me earn money. Coding this in another programming language 
  would probably be beyond my abilities, but it was easy with the 
  Euphoria variables or "sequences". And, based on speed data from the 
  Euphoria site itself, I guess other languages would have taken over 
  a day to do the processing, whereas Euphoria did it in one hour.

- Astrology (my hobby). My program does the astronomy part, or, more
  precisely, astrometry (calculation of celestial body positions),
  involving a lot of trigonometry and solutions by iteration. It is
  very fast, and again the flexibility of the Euphoria "sequences"
  simplified the code.

- Many others for assorted smaller tasks.

Marcos Florence
(Chemical engineer and translator)

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