Hi! Attempting to translate this... Does it mean an old book
about MS DOS is now online as PDF? Is that an official version?


> = ru.dos (x:xxx/xxx) 
> ==========================================================
>  Msg  : 431 of 431                          
>  From : Alexander Karmanov                  2:5020/400      16 янв 10 05:56:18
>  To   : All
>  Subj : Книга Н.Г.Хитрово "Начала системного программирования в среде MS-DOS7"

Kniga H G Chitrovo "Natschala sistemnogo programmirovanija v srede MS-DOS7"

(Introduction to system programming in the MS DOS 7 operating system??)

> ===============================================================================
> Книга H.Г.Хитрово "Hачала системного программирования в среде MS-DOS7":
> http://www.multiboot.ru/Dos7book.pdf
> First steps towards system programming under MS-DOS7.

So maybe that is the right translation of the above? ;-)

> http://www.multiboot.ru/FrstStps.pdf

> Домашняя страница:

Domaschnjaja stranitsa:

(Home page?)

> http://www.multiboot.ru/Hitrovo.htm
> Hу и с новым годом! :)

Nu i s novym godom! :)

And a happy new year :)

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