
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Michael B. Brutman
<mbbrut...@brutman.com> wrote:
> The current DOS path handling in the FTP server is kind of broken - it
> works for some clients, but not for others.  Ironically, the smarter the
> FTP client the less likely it is to work.
> ...
> There is no winning unless I start putting some non-standard mode
> selection commands in.
> The universal solution is to make everything look like a Unix
> filesystem.  To handle drive letters I'm thinking of using something like
> /drive_x/ as the first part of the path.  For example, if your current
> working directory is "/" then you are at the "root" with no logged
> drive.  All you can do is see a list of available drives with each being
> shown in /drive_x/ format.  If you wanted to traverse the C: drive you
> would go to "/drive_c/" and work from there.

Why not imitate DJGPP instead? It's probably more familiar to people,
e.g. "/dev/c/" or "/dev/d/" or whatever. Or use both (or not,
whatever).   ;-)

> This is kind of a big change so I'd like to see if anybody can spot any
> flaws in it ahead of time.

I trust your decision, whatever it is.   :-)

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