Had a little time to look at this. They are redirecting
mirrors.bbnx.net/freedos to freedos.bbnx.net - which doesn't exist.
Not sure how long they have been doing this, so unsure if this is new
and they haven't propagated the freedos.bbnx.net DNS entry yet ... or
if it's old, and they no longer support the freedos.bbnx.net site.

I suspect this is a new change. I checked some of the other open
source projects hosted by bbnx.net (sendmail, putty, ...) and they
still list mirrors.bbnx.net as a mirror site.

I'll give until the weekend, when I'm back from travels. I'll comment
it out from the mirror list if it's not up by then.


On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 7:27 AM, James Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
> Thanks. If they remain unavailable by the time I'm back from my current
> trip, I'll take them out of the autopick list.
> jh
> On Nov 27, 2011 11:04 PM, "Ralf A. Quint" <free...@gmx.net> wrote:
> At 08:45 PM 11/27/2011, jhall wrote:
>>Do you know which mirror site you were using at the time? It t...
> I just did and they all work fine, iBiblio as well as all http/ftp
> mirrors, just mirrors.bbnx.net is not available, even for other sites
> like PuTTY.
> Ralf
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