At 10:45 AM 2/19/2012, Eric Auer wrote:

>Hi, forwarding something from Ken Geiger <ken>:
>I still use DataTree MUMPS (DTM) for some production.  Do you know of
>anyone else who is working in MUMPS who has an interest in freedos.
>MUMPS is very powerful and efficient database manipulation and was used
>in health care and finance applications.  Looking for feedback and
No!!!, not MUMPS, I don't want to get sick!!! And no M either... <LOL>.

Also, I am fully able to write complete words, so I prefer these days 
to not use anything as cryptic as this excuse of a programming language...

Sorry, couldn't help it, still have traumatic residue from trying to 
convert a MUMPS (M) based software package to a more readable and 
therefor manageable programming environment back in the mid '80s. 
Luckily, that project was scrapped two weeks in and saved the sanity 
of at last half a dozen programmers.


Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
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