  Hope this reply isn't overly pedantic. Most of it isn't worth
worrying about, honestly. Just skim it.

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Louis Santillan <lpsan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> picotap is a tiny TAP-protocol[1] generator library (test) and TAP parser
> (test harness) written in C and JavaScript (Browser & OneMonkey JS). It was
> inspired by code in kazuho's github projects.  It now compiles and runs on
> Linux, OSX, DOS and your Browser.
> Code:
> https://github.com/lpsantil/picotap
> Zip:
> https://sites.google.com/site/lpsantil/Home/ptap002s.zip
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol

Various comments:

1). Your MKWCC.BAT file has two minor errors:
  a). You can't put redirection stuff in REM comments (e.g. the <>
around your email). You'll have to use unofficial "::" comments
  b). One of your "echo" lines (the one before "Build from scratch:")
doesn't print an empty line (which is what I assume you intended) but
instead "ECHO is off" ... use "echo." instead.

2). Your (GNU?) "Makefile" ...
  a). ... would be better off named "GNUMakefile" so as not to clash
with other potential makes. (Probably not worth worrying about, but
just FYI. Yes, I know, a lot of projects assume Gmake these days.)
  b). Also, your use of "cc" may not be ideal as I think latest POSIX
deprecates or even removes that in favor of "c99". Similarly, I'm not
sure anything (like your "-O3") besides "-O" is necessarily supported.
(BTW, you can use the "owcc" POSIX driver, even in DOS, if you want to
be more consistent.)
  c). I'm no expert, but it might be cleaner/wiser to make "rm -r" and
"cp" into macros (RM, CP), for customizability. *nix users probably
prefer "install" to install, but it probably? doesn't matter here.
(Similarly, "cp -p" is preferred if wishing to keep timestamps and
  d). Also, hardcoding the rules for each .exe is probably redundant;
you can use pattern rules ("%.exe: %.c").
  e). Actually, it might? be better to make an "EXE=" (or EXEEXT)
macro, but that can be vaguely annoying either way, not necessarily
worth the hassle (though it isn't too too hard).
  f). I know I'm going too arcane here, but "uname" from DJGPP 2.03p2
(shl2011b.zip) doesn't correctly recognize "FreeDOS". Only the one
from 2.04 does. Just checked, yeah, it says "Unknow??", blech.

3). I'm not sure I understand the point of "taptime.*". It may? be
better to just let external tools do timings for you, e.g. runtime, sh
-c time, redir -t, upct, or whatever. (Heck, I wrote my own in C, Lua,
and Rexx. You're welcome to them.) You're relying on POSIX too heavily
here. Do you really need milliseconds that badly? In my ANSI C
version, I used both clock() and time()/difftime(), mostly because one
method doesn't seem to work in my Linux install. One way should tell
parts of seconds, the other only whole seconds. Either way is "close
enough", IMHO (though there are ten bazillion corner cases for such
timings: power management, multiple cores, FPU usage, threads, clock
granularity, roll over, timezone).

4). popen isn't ANSI C, it's POSIX, that's probably why OpenWatcom
doesn't support it. Actually, they seem to have it in stdio.h as
"_popen", but I've not tested it. It's probably a bad assumption to
assume popen is supported. IIRC, even BWK's AWK had to workaround it
for Windows. (N.B. stock DJGPP 2.04 has a bug that Juan is already
fixing with code from CVS every time he ports something.)

5). tempnam ... I can't even begin to remember all the various
functions for such stuff. (EDIT: tmpnam, L_tmpnam is what I was
thinking of. Hmmm, even popular mktemp / mkstemp aren't POSIX, or at
least not older POSIX. Seems it's there in 2001.) I always thought
using tmpfile() [ANSI C] was the easiest way, but some people don't
use it. (Usually it works well, but IIRC, it was fairly broken in
MSVCRT.DLL, it tried to write to C:\, hence needs Admin access!)

6). I know it isn't hard to fake a stdbool.h (C99), but keep in mind
that most older DOS compilers don't support it out-of-the-box. Well,
I'm sure you thought of that if you plan to convert to various other C
compilers too.

7). BTW, I've not really used various test harnesses. Mostly because
they are too confusing, heavyweight, or POSIX specific. (IIRC, DejaGNU
never worked with DJGPP for various reasons. It depends on Expect,
which is written in Tcl. We do have some third-party Tcl builds, but
they may not be too reliable, and I'm way too inexperienced to say for
sure or fix them up. It's a lonely world for DOS developers.)

I ended up writing my own testing .BAT (making some FreeCOM-specific
assumptions about quotes around .BAT parameters being combined into
one arg) for my own limited use. I doubt it's worth posting here, but
the .BAT calls itself (pseudo functions) and pipes test input into the
offending app, and the result is grep'd. If found (or not), grep
returns an appropriate errorlevel, which I then saved in order to (at
end) print "yyynnyy" style success/failure result for easier reading.
(Yet another boring arcane detail: I would've used FreeDOS find, but
it apparently doesn't like lines that don't end in CR+LF. Well, and it
has a horrible LFN-status-related crash bug that I never bothered to
track down either.)

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