Hi All,

Maybe you could check the file header?
I mean if you upx a file it will add an UPX string
on your header

I don't know much about binary headers
either because it's format specific or
cos i'm damn newbie at all :P

So, after upx'ing /bin/sh (i backup'ed the original :P)
I upx'ed it and opened with wxHexEditor on Mint Linux
there i have a column called offset
pointing out the positions 0F, 10, 11 with literal string "UPX"

Dunno if it's good enough to detect a cpx file, but hope it helps :P

Kind Regards and Best Wishes,

Geraldo Netto
Non dvcor, dvco => Sapere Aude
São Paulo, Brasil, -3gmt
site: http://exdev.sf.net/

On 28 July 2013 14:13, Balthasar Szczepański <rowerynaksiez...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Thanks for your commentc,
>  > 1. I haven't managed to compile it from source (but haven't tried very
>  > hard either, and I have very limited knowledge about how to use Turbo
>  > C++). I did produced an executable, but the linker was complaining a lot
>  > about undefined symbols, so I probably missed how to link the egavga
>  > lib.  A section in the readme about 'how to build from source' would be
>  > appreciated (maybe a makefile also? this would greatly simplify the
>  > build process). I assume the *.prj file contains some indications, but
>  > looking at it with a hex editor I see there are some hardcoded paths
>  > there, so it's probably useful only on your system.
>  The *.prj file hardcodes the include path and library path, they can
>  be changed with Options -> Directories. Change
>  so that they point to your include and library path.
>  Or create a new project, add cpied.cpp and egavga.obj and set the
>  memory model (Options -> Compiler ->  Code generation). I compiled it
>  with the compact memory model, but while debugging large or huge is
>  needed, because the turboC++ IDE also consumes memory and doesn't
>  leave enough for the CPI.
>  There will be more information about compiling. The code will also be
>  moved from turbo c++ to another compiler (open watcom propably),
>  because i want to remove the dependancy on the egavga driver. and
>  because Turbo C++ doesn't run on FreeDOS
>  > 4. The 'official' name of the program is unclear. Is it 'cpied', 'CPI
>  > Editor', or 'Edytor Napis?w' ? All these names appear at one point or
>  > another.
>  > 5. The version string is inconsistent - in the documentation and source
>  > code it says '1.2b', while in the program itself it states '1.2'.
>  'Edytor napisów' is the name i used when I started working on this
>  program and had to call it somehow, this name is no longer used and
>  it's a wrong name. CPIED was used as a filename becauce 'cpi editor'
>  is longer than 8 and has a space. However, this will become the
>  'official' name because it's not the only cpi editor in the world.
>  The current version is 1.2b.
>  > 2. When I pressed F4, and tried to get out (escape, empty string..) I
>  > broke the UI and had to abort via CTRL+C. Some input checking there
>  > could be nice.
>  > 6. When I want to load a file (F3), then press enter a few times, the
>  > input dialog stays displayed, but any new text appear much lower in the
>  > screen. Seems that you ignore enter if it's presses on an empty string,
>  > while I feel it should immediately provide some error message.
>  The dialogboxes have no input checking. they just get a string (and
>  convert it to a number when a number is wanted). It's possible to do
>  more unwanted things, ie use CON, COM1, or NUL as a file name...
>  This will be improved.
>  > 7. It's not clear how many codepages are stored in a file. To know this,
>  > one have to count them manually with home/end. It would be great if the
>  > total of avaiable code pages would be printed on screen (eg. in the
>  > title bar, next to the file name). Even better - having some kind of a
>  > menu that lists available codepages, and allows to choose the one we
>  > want. Such menu could be then used also to remove codepages or add new
>  > codepages, and it would be called like 'codepages management' or
>  > something like that.
>  All the cpi files i used to test the program were already known by me
>  so I didn't even think that this information should be provided. But
>  it is an important thing and the number of codepages and numbers of
>  each codepage will be displayed and will be selectable.
>  > 8. You seem to always display 3 fixed sizes of fonts. I don't know
>  > anything about the CPI format, but is it possible that a CPI file could
>  > contain more font sizes? Or font sizes different from what you assume
>  > (8x8, 8x14, 8x16) ?
>  Theoretically, the cpi format allows other sizes but (8x8, 8x14, 8x16)
>  are the sizes used by EGA and VGA cards and by DISPLAY.SYS.
>  > 9. There is no CPX support, but nevertheless, it would be cool to be
>  > able to detect the CPX format, and provide some hints about what to do.
>  > Right now cpied just says 'Unsupported format, id0=0x81'. Would be great
>  > if it would say something like "this is CPX, not supported format, but
>  > if you need to edit it simply uncompress it first using UPX -d font.cpx
>  > -o font.cpi"
>  The cpx format will be supported, but first I have to learn about this
>  UPX compression and finish the project i'm working on now. At this
>  moment I don't know how to detect a cpx file by its contents
>  Balthasar Szczepański
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