
That's great :)

I added CPIED to the list of FreeDOS (FDNPKG) packages, in the UTIL 

I noticed that the cpx2cpi program accepts an optional [q] parameter, 
unfortunately there is no documentation that would tell what this 
parameter is useful for. From the code I guess that 'q' is for 'Quiet', 
but it would be nice to have it explicated somewhere.

Also, wouldn't it be nicer to have the cpx2cpi functionality embedded 
into cpied? As it is now, there is no much difference between using 
cpx2cpi and using upx. Actually, using upx would be even better, since 
it would allow for saving cpx files, too (not only reading).

I tested really quickly this new release of CPIED and it seems to work 
fine, although the lack of input validation is really frustrating, as it 
leads to being blocked every now and then (whenever I click into a 
submenu and want to quit by pressing for ex. ESC), and I have to CTRL+C 
to get out then... loosing my potential work in the process.


On 08/01/2013 11:17 PM, Balthasar Szczepański wrote:
> Next version of my CPI editor.
> It allows to edit the shape of the characters, remove or create fonts,
> remove or create codepages,.. It has a gui and can be controlled with the
> keyboard or mouse (if there is a mouse installed). It can read *.cpi or
> *.cpx files
> and write *.cpi files.
> changes in 1.3a:
> -The program is no longer dependant on Borland's EGAVGA driver:
>   code ported to Open Watcom, Borland's graphic functions replaced
> with Open Watcom's equivalents
> -CPX file support, The program can now read cpx files, it uses cpx2cpi.com
> to
> unUPX'es  them to a temporary cpi file.
> cpx2cpi.com is a cpx to cpi converter which I wrote using sources from
> FreeDOS mode.com
> download:
> http://baltixy.w.interia.pl/in05.zip
> http://baltixy.w.interia.pl/in05.htm
> Balthasar Szczepański

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