
sorry I've forgotten to mention, that you have to adapt the config.sys
file, too:


But anyway. You need a bootloader to load the ISO file "fd11src.iso"
from an USB stick. In my first example I have used GRUB4DOS as
bootloader. But now in a second example I will use SYSLINUX as bootloader.

I have built a boot image which one can write to an USB stick. You can
download the ZIP file with the image from my githup repository:


After unzipping you'll get the file "FreeDOSmultibootStick.img"

You can write this image to an USB stick with at least 256 MB. If your
stick is larger than 256 MB you can format the empty space as FAT16 or
FAT32 with GParted as second partition. When FreeDOS boots from the
stick you can access the second partition as drive D:.

To write the image to your USB stick you can use "dd", but be careful,
it will destroy every data on the stick. It is available on every
Gnu/Linux, *BSD or MacOS X. If you are using Windows you can find a
Windows port here: http://www.chrysocome.net/dd

Alternatively you can use Win32 Disk Imager with Windows:

This is an example how to use dd in GNU/Linux:

dd if=FreeDOSmultibootStick.img of=/dev/sdX bs=512k

Replace the X in /dev/sdX with the letter of your real device name.

After rebooting your computer from the USB stick you'll get this menu:


 Press ENTER to boot FreeDOS, or choose from these alternatives:
 : fdos...... FreeDOS 1.1
 : bald...... Balder 10 (a single-disk DOS utility distribution)
 : install... Install FreeDOS 1.1
 : memtest... Run Memtest86+ V5.01
 Example: To boot Memtest86+, type "memtest" and hit Enter.



Type  "install". Next choose "Create Drive C:" from the FreeDOS menu.
Than select "2. Set active partition" Instead of your USB stick choose
the hard disk as your active partion. The hard disk needs a "DOS"
partition table and it has to be formated with FAT16 or FAT32. Otherwise
it won't be recognized by the FreeDOS installer. When this is done you
can proceed with FreeDOS installation.


Am 01.09.2014 12:46, schrieb DOSforever:
> *Hi, Christian *
> Thank you very much for your detailed reply, because I'm not good at
> using English, so I cannot too much to participate in the discussion.
> I'd like to try the method that you introduced.
> In other words, in short, There is no way to install FreeDOS through
> FreeDOS ISO installation file from the USB device dierctly.
> I hope the installer don't so smart and complicated, so that I can
> install it manually.
> Thank you again for your help.
> Regards
> ?2014-08-29,"Christian Imhorst" <christian.imho...@gmail.com
> <mailto:christian.imho...@gmail.com>> ??:
>     -----????-----
>     *???:*"Christian Imhorst" <christian.imho...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:christian.imho...@gmail.com>>
>     *????:*2014?08?29? ???
>     *???:*"Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS."
>     <freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
>     <mailto:freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net>>
>     *??:*Re: [Freedos-user] Is anyone installed FreeDOS from USB CD
>     drive or other USB device?
>     Hi
>     yes I have built an usb stick with FreeDOS ISO to install. I work with
>     GNU/Linux and I have prepared the stick with one partition
>     fdisk /dev/sdX
>     and formated the stick with FAT32:
>     mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n freedos /dev/sdX1
>     The letter X stands for your real path, probably it's /dev/sdb for the
>     device and /dev/sdb1 for the partition. But yours can be different.
>     Than I followed these steps:
>     1. I downloaded latest Grub4DOS from:
>     http://sourceforge.net/projects/grub4dos/
>     2. I unpacked the following files to the root directory of the usb
>     stick:
>        config.sys
>        grldr
>        grub.exe
>        menu.lst
>     3. Than I copied fd11src.iso to the same location.
>     4. I edited the menu.lst:
>     #######
>     title FreeDOS
>     map (hd0,0)/fd11src.iso (hd32)
>     map --hook
>     root (hd32)
>     chainloader (hd32)
>     boot
>     ########
>     5. Under Gnu/Linux you can test the stick with Qemu:
>         qemu -m 512 /dev/sdX
>       Or you can plug the stick into your computer now to boot the
>     FreeDOS CD
>     6. Wait until Grub4Dos is loaded.
>     7. From the Grub4DOS menu choose "FreeDOS"
>     8. Next choose "Create Drive C:" from the FreeDOS menu.
>     9.  Than select "2. Set active partition"
>     10. Instead of your USB stick choose the hard disk as your active
>     partion.
>     Now you can proceed with FreeDOS installation.
>     Hope that will help you.
>     Regards
>     Christian
>     2014-08-24 3:27 GMT+02:00 DOSforever <dosfore...@126.com
>     <mailto:dosfore...@126.com>>:
>     > first all, I'm not good at english. I don't know if I expressed
>     correctly.
>     >
>     > I burned fd11src.iso file to CD, insert the CD to USB CD drive,
>     boot from
>     > the external USB CD drive. but after FDISK list my existing
>     partiton table,
>     > the SETUP show the fellowing message:
>     >
>     > SETUP wasn't able to locate any disks to install FreeDOS 1.1 from.
>     >
>     > If I write image file to flash memory, the same phenomenon also
>     appears.
>     >
>     > I built the same partition table structure in virtual machine,
>     boot from
>     > VM's IDE CD-ROM, no problem.
>     >
>     > I don't know wether the problem is caused by USB interface?
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
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