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On Mar 23, 2017 9:32 PM, "Dennis Fenton" <> wrote:

After some research I decided FreeDOS would be a good replacement for
To my dismay I found that the boot disk image is too big to fit on a
1.44 floppy.

What program are you using to write the image to your floppy?   Boot images
cannot be copied using copy, they must be written with a program like
rawwrite or dd.  Does it give an explicit error code or just a message
about insufficient space?

Thank you,

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<div dir="auto"><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto"><div class="gmail_quote">On
Mar 23, 2017 9:32 PM, &quot;Dennis Fenton&quot; &lt;<a
href="";></a>&gt; wrote:<br
type="attribution"><blockquote class="quote" style="margin:0 0 0
..8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">After some research I decided
FreeDOS would be a good replacement for<br>...<br>
To my dismay I found that the boot disk image is too big to fit on a<br>
1.44 floppy.<br>...<br></blockquote></div></div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div
dir="auto">What program are you using to write the image to your floppy? -a
Boot images cannot be copied using copy, they must be written with a program
like rawwrite or dd.-a Does it give an explicit error code or just a message
about insufficient space?</div><div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">Thank
you,</div><div dir="auto">Jeremy</div><div class="gmail_extra" dir="auto"><div
class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="quote" style="margin:0 0 0
..8ex;border-left:1px #ccc 


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