Hi everybody

> I have Windows 3.11(not WFW) and can't find an
> option to turn off 32-bit disk acass in BIOS.

Not in BIOS, just the Windows 386+ driver for it.

On empowermentzone.com, I must have once found the
win31faq.txt - you can probably find it on other
websites as well:

"Microsoft Windows Frequently Asked Questions
Prepared 03/07/95"

(from the Microsoft knowledge base)

I can also recommend a thread from the DOSEMU
mailing list in Nov 2004 about win386 compatibility,
titled "Windows 386 in DOSEMU - explanation attempt"

Finally, here are my (often very technical!) collected
2004 notes about Windows compatibility issues. Maybe
some developers will enjoy them  Various issues
probably did already get fixed in FreeDOS long ago.

For you as USER, Jamie, please just scroll to the section
with the "/D:.." options. Those are what you need if you
want to disable 32 bit disk or file access, virtual IRQ
or special handling of UMB and BIOS area. Good luck

Regards, Eric

For freedos-user, I just copy the part for Jamie. The
long version will be sent to freedos-devel next...

Minimal driver list:   http://www.logicalsky.com/Windows31_FAQ.htm
Q&A: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q85/1/94.asp
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;127139 ->
win.ini [Windows] SafeMode=1 or even SafeMode=2 to disable VGA accel?
http://www.tnweb.com/support/gpf.php -> no ramdisks, only MS emm386
  if any, try allocating more breakpoints: [386Enh] MaxBPS=768 ...
  Plain Windows loading already places 150 of default 200 breakpoints!
clean system.ini for Win3.0 is [boot] only progman/system/keyboard/
mouse/vga/comm/mmsound, and clean win.ini is [windows] only empty
load= and run= ... stacks=9,256 is only for 3.1, 3.0 works without...
Looks like MS also offers a vshare.386 which works better than SHARE,
  use SHARE only if really needed (-> e.g. for Word?)...
Win3.x: /D:X -> EMMExclude=A000-EFFF /D:S -> SystemRomBreakpoint=OFF
  /D:F -> 32BitDiskAccess=OFF               /D:V -> VirtualHDIrq=OFF
  /D:C -> no 32 bit FILE access (WfW 3.11 only)  /D:T no VxDs (3.11)
  /B log boot progress to text file
Win3.x stabilizing hints: http://www.google.com/search?
WIN /D:SFVX or WIN /D:TFC /N (for 3.1 / WfW3.11 respectively)
  (but /D:T is only for testing, will mean no DOS boxes / VMs avail)
It is also recommended to disable all A20 / shadow ROM stuff, because
  that could remap memory in some way which might confuse Win/DMA.

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