
On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 5:23 AM Raymond Bathurst <cmlexi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend an IDIOT-proof method of installing FreeDOS 1.2 on
> a fixed SSD drive (with no OS) via one of several USB ports ?

I don't have any SSDs, though, and you need an OS with "TRIM" support
(which apparently even OpenBSD lacks). So I don't really recommend
"only" installing FreeDOS by itself. Maybe dual boot alongside some
proper Linux distro (that has TRIM support). And/or use VirtualBox (or
KVM?) and/or DOSEMU (or DOSEMU2?).

I personally would use RUFUS (as I did yet again recently), but that
installs to USB jump drive instead. Which, IMO, is very convenient
(and cheap) albeit a tad bit slow. But RUFUS assumes a working Windows
host OS. Do you have access to one? (There are other methods for other
OSes, e.g. Linux, but I'd have to look up the details for you. I'm
less familiar with those, haven't done it much directly in recent

Again, I think Linux is a better bet for you, but you can still use
DOS on the side. It's just that overall DOS (sadly) has less hardware
support for such modern devices, and FreeDOS is no exception.

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