Hello My Friends,

First of all, hope you all had a great christmas time!
On Thu, 20 Dec 2018 at 16:17, TK Chia <u1049321...@caramail.com> wrote:
> Hello Jerome, hello Geraldo,
> >> Seems to require borland c/tasm
> > Unfortunately, aefdisk won’t compile under TASM 4.1.
> > Tried. But, It throws a couple errors and warnings.
> This is interesting.
> It seems the aefdisk sources are using some strange syntax extensions
> which I have not seen before --- perhaps these are supported by certain
> versions of tasm?

Dunno :(
But I opened a ticket for Nagy Daniel
Asking his tasm/borland c compiler
Maybe we could integrate it on freedos repository or even deprecate
our fdisk in favor of aefdisk in future

> For example, there is
>    ends
> rather than say
>    _DATA ends
> to end a segment definition without specifying a segment name.  There is
> also
>    MBRloader label
> rather than
>    MBRloader:
> to label something that is not a procedure.
> (I am copying this mail to freedos-devel, since I believe that will be a
> more appropriate venue.)
> Thank you!
> --
> https://github.com/tkchia

Kind Regards,

Geraldo Netto
Sapere Aude => Non dvcor, dvco

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