Hello guys,

Some time ago I migrated my entire development environment to the cloud.
Daily I use an iPad as a terminal and access a Debian Linux server via mosh
(ssh) and use tmux and zsh.

But I still want to be able to run some DOS programs, for that, I use
DOSEMU together with FreeDOS, and since I don't have a graphical
environment I do it all via terminal.

Everything goes well for my terminal only applications, except when I need
to press Alt for some reason like accessing a menu or something like that.
I am trying to map some keys in tmux to solve this problem but it is far
from good.

I was thinking about making a TSR that when it detects a key combination it
holds the Alt key for me. But I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Does
anyone know any way to achieve the same effect with FreeDOS or know a
utility that does the same thing?

Cesar Gimenes
Freedos-user mailing list

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