Hi Martin,

> I had been contacting OS/2 developers that no longer support their software
> and asked them to open source their software. Sometime I have luck,
> sometimes not, but I have been consolidating the source code on Github for
> some years now.
> https://github.com/os2world

I did similar for some DOS software, but didn't create a collection.
I think, it must have been around 10 to 20 titles, mostly small tools, IIRC.

> 1) I was wondering if in the DOS or FreeDOS community had been any similar
> effort.

I don't know about anything coordinated.

> 2) I also want to know if there some sites or a general community site like
> a wiki with a catalog of open source, close source, new, old  DOS software.

None that I know of.

> I know there are several sites of DOS games, but it seem there are no much
> sites that their goal is to have the DOS applications catalog.

Expect it to be a tremendously comprehensive task for years.

> For example I have one created for but OS/2 on a MediaWiki
> (https://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php/Category:Software)

Looks impressive.

I already thought about something like that several month ago, but still
didn't start, because I still didn't define the scope:
- I wanted to start with the shareware archives, e.g., SimTel.Net.
- I had the idea of creating it in German language only, because that's
my native language.

So far, I just setup an empty PmWiki installation. (In contrast to
MediaWiki, PmWiki needs no database. It stores anything in text files.)

> My interest is OS/2 but I want to know if there are some similar efforts on
> the DOS community to see if we can join some efforts.

Would be nice, but as of today nobody else seems to care.
But maybe I'll start it anyway.

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