On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 12:53 PM Jason Pittman
<jason.pitt...@jasonpittman.com> wrote:
> I know nothing about BusyBox, so I'm going to ask a dumb question. Does DSL 
> allow you to, say, install apt (or another package manager), gcc, make, etc., 
> or does it only allow you to run the common linux commands shown on the 
> BusyBox website?

Busybox collects cut down versions of standard Linux utilities and
provides them as a single archive file.  You can run commands in the
busybox file as "busybox <command>", but the usual installation will
create symlinks to the commands in the busybox archive.  Busybox is
popular in cases where you have low end machines where disk space may
be a scarce resource. It is a program you can install the same way you
install any other program, and unrelated to what you can install.

Apt is a package manager for flavors of Linux built on Debian, like
Ubuntu.  Red Hat Linux uses on called yum.  Package managers are
specific to distros, and you use whatever your distro provides.

> (And on a side note, has anyone actually gotten it to work? I'd already know 
> the answer to my question above if I could get it to do something other than 
> crash the VM when I run "dsl.com")

What is dsl.com?  It is not a command in busybox.  What VM are you in
when you try to run it and what are you attempting to do?

If DSL refers to Damn Small Linux, see

Installing stuff not part of the DSL installation appears to require
using MyDSL extensions.

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