Hi! Recently I have noticed that our ibiblio contains "DM21"


which has only bare binaries inside. So I wondered what it is.
Now Robert, who says I should not thank him, has found the URL


which gives a comprehensive answer to the question :-)

DM means DISKMAN and is a (also scriptable) tool which can
backup/restore LFN, quickformat FAT12/16/32, manage, read,
write and mount disks, partitions and images of those, DOS
and BIOS style, including a raw disk editor and some extras
like CMOS backup/restore and a little bit of NTFS. Newest
version would be 4.x, while we have 2.0 and 2.1 archived.

Version 3 was the start of a clean-up with limited, but
more stable features and 4 is quite similar to 2.1 as far
as features are explained, but more clean and stable :-)

The website also features a manual, a reference guide, FAQ,
various examples and, in the news section, a list of known
issues and planned changes. Version 4 is from 2002, while
version 2 is from the year 2000.

What are your thoughts on this? It SOUNDS useful to ME,
so if somebody has time, they could recursively fetch a
bunch of documentation from the website and throw it into
an updated ZIP for ibiblio. The author hints that source
code could be made available on request.

While there is no address mentioned on diskman.co.uk on
archive.org, the binary contains the addresses debug@...
and jim@... with ... being the mentioned domain, which
makes it tricky to contact the author on his gone domain:
"James Clark, an electronics engineer, working for a
leading UK computer manufacturer"

Thanks! Regards, Eric

PS: Interesting observation: The Stallman support movement
seems to have >1/3 eastern supporters. Cultural difference?

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