Hi all,

Pursuant to earlier feedback, three new FDI-x86 repacks are available here:


1. floppies@2021-12-16/FD13RC5-FloppyEdition+ZIP.zip

This build uses ZipSplit instead of Slicer.

Output size is similar to slicer-0.17 with the gzip enhancement.
Performance is slightly better because decompression does not use temp
storage.  The payload in each floppy disk is a regular ZIP file that can be
opened on a desktop computer.

2. floppies@2021-12-16/FD13RC5-FloppyEdition+TGZ.zip

This build is a split tarball.

I tried various sort orders, and ran it through zopfli, but this build is
only 5% smaller than the ZipSplit or Slicer builds.  It uses temp storage
equal to the payload size.

3. floppies@2021-12-16/FD13RC5-FloppyEdition+RAR.zip

This build uses UnRAR and needs a non-free encoder.

The multivolume RAR is half the size of any other archive format, so it is
the benchmark for what can be accomplished with 16-bit code on a machine
with 1 megabyte of memory.

Big savings come from a large dictionary and solid packing, so perhaps
7ZDEC can be enhanced to get a similar result.

* Bundled WIL Files

The dists have INI files that can be double-clicked to open WinImage, or
used to create a SFX media writer for Microsoft Windows.
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