
In DOS I was able to press and hold a key and the key would repeat.
Great for arrow and page keys.  For some reason this stopped workin

wow. one of these Asshole from Hell questions:

no information what DOS we are talkink about.

no information whatsoever about CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT.

I somehow liked Dennis' way of asking for more context and details better :-p However, I also have a technical question about Daniel's technical question :-)

Daniel, you could do the following to test whether explicitly setting keyboard repeat (typematic rate, see RBIL = Ralf Browns Interrupt List) to maximum speed and the delay to minimum has any effect on your real or virtual hardware. For this, you start DEBUG, then type:

mov ax,0305
mov bx,0000
int 16
int 20


Note that you have to press return twice between "int 20" and "g".

For the lowest possible speed and the longest delay before repeating starts, you write "031f" instead of "0000" in the "mov bx,..." line.

Interestingly, it seems to make no difference in DOSEMU2 which of the two values I use for BX. It probably just uses the keyboard repeat settings from Linux, without letting me a custom different rate just for the DOSEMU2 window.

So I would be keen to know which of the other DOS systems people here are using do or do not support changing the typematic rate aka keyboard repeat rate. In particular, I guess that real hardware often supports this, while running DOS on a virtual computer in a window could be less likely to offer support for this setting?

Thanks for testing! Regards, Eric

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