
On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 7:29 PM Daniel <codehunte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A little info for those who uses FreeBasic (or even Power Basic 3.5) in 
> FreeDOS.  In case noone knows this, it is possible to mix both Basic and 
> Assembly language in the same source code using both PB and FB using the 
> ‘ASM’ command.  This is something I have been doing in PowerBasic for some 
> time.  Not sure if anyone else has done this, but it is quite a nice feature 
> to have.
> I am unfamiliar woththe C languages,  but does it also allow one to mix both 
> assembly in with the C source code?  Are there any other languages that 
> allows mixing of assembly in with the language code?

Free Pascal's i8086-msdos cross-compiler (and even the normal
i386-go32v2) supports inline asm (similar to TP 6):

{$mode tp}
program d2x;
var n:byte; err:integer;
  procedure hexbyte(b: byte); assembler;
    mov al,b
    mov dx,ax
    mov cl,4
    shr al,cl
    cmp al,10
    sbb al,105
    int 29h
    mov ax,dx
    and al,15
    cmp al,10
    sbb al,105
    int 29h
begin if paramcount=0 then halt;
  val(paramstr(1),n,err); hexbyte(n); writeln('=',hexstr(n,2))

FST Modula-2 (found on iBiblio) also supports inline asm:

* https://www.verhoeven272.nl/fruttenboel/modula-2/lowlevel.html

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