Dne 27. 12. 23 v 19:04 andrew fabbro via Freedos-user napsal(a):

I'm a bit perplexed trying to get networking working for FreeDOS 1.3 on
QEMU.  My physical host is an M1 Mac (Apple Silicon).

FreeDOS installs and boots fine, but I get this message:

     QEMU network detected.
     Physical hardware networking is not supported at this time.

Here is my QEMU invocation:

qemu-system-i386 -boot order=cd -m 32M -k en-us -name FreeDOS1 -cdrom
FD13BNS.iso -drive FreeDOS1.img,format=raw,media=disk -net nic,model=pcnet
-net user

I've also tried model=ne2k_pci, model=e1000, etc.  Also tried similar setup
in UTM, which is a graphical front end for QEMU.

But looking at FreeDOS's startup scripts, I'm thinking maybe QEMU
networking is not supported...?

At line 84 of FDAUTO.BAT, "%dosdir%\bin\fdnet.bat start" is called.
Looking at fdnet.bat, at line 92, "vinfo /m" is executed.  When I execute
this myself at the command line, errorlevel is set to 102.  In fdnet.bat,
this branches to a label called NoAutoQEMU on line 109.  There, since %1 is
"start" there's a goto NoStartQEMU.  That gives the "QEMU network detected"
message.  Then there's a goto NoHardware, which gives the "Physical
networking is not supported at this time" and end.

So is networking under QEMU completely unsupported?

Strangely, I found this forum post in which someone has it working just
fine, so I'm thinking that maybe I'm doing something wrong?


Hi Andrew,

I use QEMU 8.2 on Fedora 39, my network-related setup looks as follows:

-device pcnet,netdev=id1 -netdev user,id=id1

It just works for me with no other tweaks necessary. The difference is actually only in syntax. Using -net is deprecated for some time, but IIRC it should still work. I wonder if it can be relevant here.

Best regards,

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