Hi Ian,

This problem isn't present in recent builds.  I'll send you a link.

Don't hesitate to file a bug report (preferably at
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=freefont) if you see any further


On Sun, Sep 1, 2019 at 3:01 AM ropers <rop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello GNU/Stevan :),
> I think I have found a bug in GNU FreeFont, or specifically in the
> FreeMono, FreeSans and FreeSerif fonts:
> The character for U+240E SYMBOL FOR SHIFT OUT appears to be incorrect in 
> those.
> The two small constituent letters you define for that character are SS
> (two esses).
> The correct letters should be SO (ess-oh). Compare
> <https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2400.pdf>.
> While it's true that the actual C0 control codes[1] remain unprintable
> in Unicode, getting this right is nonetheless somewhat fundamental,
> since these Control Pictures[2] are supposed to be printable direct
> equivalents to the corresponding unprintable standard ASCII
> characters. So for applications where unprintable ASCII characters
> need to be printed, this is a very basic part of the ASCII character
> set that your fonts are currently getting wrong.
> I am sadly not sufficiently familiar with the somewhat less modern and
> quirky FontForge UI to be able to fix this myself in a hurry,
> otherwise I would have offered a fix and not just a bug report. In
> theory copying and pasting the little O from U+2401 SYMBOL FOR START
> OF HEADING to U+240E SYMBOL FOR SHIFT OUT could be enough; actually I
> did manage to do that, but I couldn't get things aligned correctly and
> I am not enough of a typographer to even know what the correct
> alignment would be, so I should probably leave that to someone who
> knows what they're doing, so over to you it is.
> Related info:
> [1] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C0_and_C1_control_codes>
> [2] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_Pictures>
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shift_Out_and_Shift_In_characters>
> Thanks for your attention to this.
> Thanks and regards,
> Ian
> (Ian Ropers)

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