Luca Casagrande pisze:
> Maciej Sieczka ha scritto:

>> Does anybody know a FOSS which can create new PostGIS layers? Does any 
>> of the JUMP, Udig, gvSig, Thuban, Mezogis can? I know QGIS can't for 
>> sure. Or maybe there is a standalone program?

> In the new Qgis, or at least  version 0.9.0, there is a python plugin to 
> do so.
> In gvSIG you can create a new Postgis layer from: View>New Layer

Hi Luca

As for QGIS plugin it is only a prototype. You have to enter all 
connection and new layer's column parameters by hand each time. No 
better than doing this from CLI or pgAdmin.

Thanks for the gvSIG hint. Unfortunatelly it provides only five data 
types, forces 'text' datatype for string data, which is an overkill and 
way slower than varchar when not needed, forces 'double precision' for 
floating point. I was able to crash it twice (the 1.1.1 version) within 
few minutes of usage. If it was just me I could maybe stand this but not 
my client.

More hints welcome.


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