Updated or new entry on FreeGIS.org: kvwmap

Updated by: bjoern (2008-02-23 11:00:43)

Homepage:        http://kvwmap.sourceforge.net
Version:         1.6.7

New Version. Previous was 1.6.1. 

kvwmap is a complex WebGIS-Client and -Server solution
especially for eGovernment-purposes written in PHP using
UMN-Mapserver-technologies, MySQL- and
PostgreSQL/PostGIS-databases, SVG.

The MapClient GUI use HTML, SVG, JavaScript and partly
AJAX, is user and role dependent and configurable in a
MySQL Database.
The application is dealing with map content available
through umn-mapserver-mapscript and direct
PostGIS data access.
Developers can create their own custom templates.
Special prepared GUI´s provide a set of functionality to
manipulate data set.

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    Your FreeGIS Core Team.

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