Updated or new entry on FreeGIS.org: deegree

Updated by: michael (2011-01-16 13:26:40)

Homepage:        http://www.deegree.org/
Version:         3.0

New version (major release) 3.0, previous was 2.2. * Complete Rewrite from 
scratch * Easier and more robust configuration * Major performance and 
scalability improvements * Based on a complete ISO 19107 geometry model 

 Deegree offers the substantial building blocks for the building of a Spatial 
Data Infrastructure by implementing the standards of the Open Geospatial 
Consortium (OGC) and ISO/TC 211.
 Deegree components can be used to either develop a standalone desktop mapping 
solution to be locally installed on a users machine, or to set up a highly 
distributed and service-based infrastructure.

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    Your FreeGIS Core Team.

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