URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/2099
Author: netoarmando
 Title: #2099: ipa-server-install: fix zonemgr argument validator
Action: opened

PR body:
Fix `ERROR 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'` when `--zonemgr` is
passed to ipa-server-install.

Solution copied from commit 75d26e1, function 
`ipaserver.install.bindinstance.zonemgr_callback` duplicates the behavior of 
the method affected by this patch.

Issue: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7612

To pull the PR as Git branch:
git remote add ghfreeipa https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa
git fetch ghfreeipa pull/2099/head:pr2099
git checkout pr2099
From 5f07676a75f0056b7cfca1e320aa1e2e43ca4750 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Armando Neto <abiag...@redhat.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 17:12:07 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] ipa-server-install: fix zonemgr argument validator

Fix `ERROR 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'` when --zonemgr is
passed to ipa-server-install.

Solution copied from commit 75d26e1f0121f875bdb017b0636c02a6f5660e8a,
function `ipaserver.install.bindinstance.zonemgr_callback` duplicates
the behavior of the method affected by this patch.

Issue: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7612

Signed-off-by: Armando Neto <abiag...@redhat.com>
 ipaserver/install/dns.py                       |  6 +++++-
 ipatests/test_integration/test_installation.py | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ipaserver/install/dns.py b/ipaserver/install/dns.py
index 40a3c0b49b..61b4a851e4 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/dns.py
+++ b/ipaserver/install/dns.py
@@ -476,7 +476,11 @@ def zonemgr(self, value):
             encoding = getattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding', None)
             if encoding is None:
                 encoding = 'utf-8'
-            value = value.decode(encoding)
+            # value is string in py2 and py3
+            if not isinstance(value, unicode):
+                value = value.decode(encoding)
         except ValueError as e:
             # FIXME we can do this in better way
diff --git a/ipatests/test_integration/test_installation.py b/ipatests/test_integration/test_installation.py
index ad45f58111..1d3726ca77 100644
--- a/ipatests/test_integration/test_installation.py
+++ b/ipatests/test_integration/test_installation.py
@@ -460,3 +460,20 @@ def test_reserved_ip_as_forwarder(self):
         exp_str = ("Invalid IP Address cannot use IANA reserved "
                    "IP address")
         assert exp_str in cmd.stdout_text
+class TestInstallDNSOptions(IntegrationTest):
+    num_replicas = 0
+    @classmethod
+    def install(cls, mh):
+        pass
+    def test_install_master_with_zonemgr_arg(self):
+        """Test setup dns with zonemgr option"""
+        tasks.install_master(
+            self.master,
+            setup_dns=True,
+            extra_args=['--zonemgr', 'm...@example.org'],
+        )

From ad8cd86d573584e9a19b7f4fceb03fe6c8f00dfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Armando Neto <abiag...@redhat.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 17:05:55 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] temp commit

 .freeipa-pr-ci.yaml | 198 +---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.freeipa-pr-ci.yaml b/.freeipa-pr-ci.yaml
index cd3e5e5e61..67ff8fd193 100644
--- a/.freeipa-pr-ci.yaml
+++ b/.freeipa-pr-ci.yaml
@@ -27,206 +27,14 @@ jobs:
         timeout: 1800
         topology: *build
-  fedora-28/simple_replication:
+  fedora-28/test_install_dns_options:
     requires: [fedora-28/build]
     priority: 50
       class: RunPytest
         build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_simple_replication.py
+        test_suite: test_integration/test_installation.py::TestInstallDNSOptions
         template: *ci-master-f28
         timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/caless:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_caless.py::TestServerReplicaCALessToCAFull
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/external_ca_1:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_external_ca.py::TestExternalCA
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl_1client
-  fedora-28/external_ca_2:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_external_ca.py::TestSelfExternalSelf test_integration/test_external_ca.py::TestExternalCAInstall
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_topologies:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_topologies.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_sudo:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_sudo.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl_1client
-  fedora-28/test_commands:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_commands.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_kerberos_flags:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_kerberos_flags.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl_1client
-  fedora-28/test_http_kdc_proxy:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_http_kdc_proxy.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl_1client
-  fedora-28/test_forced_client_enrolment:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_forced_client_reenrollment.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl_1client
-  fedora-28/test_advise:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_advise.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_testconfig:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_testconfig.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_service_permissions:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_service_permissions.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_netgroup:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_netgroup.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_vault:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_vault.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 4500
-        topology: *master_1repl
-  fedora-28/test_authconfig:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_authselect.py
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl_1client
-  fedora-28/replica_promotion:
-    requires: [fedora-28/build]
-    priority: 50
-    job:
-      class: RunPytest
-      args:
-        build_url: '{fedora-28/build_url}'
-        test_suite: test_integration/test_replica_promotion.py::TestSubCAkeyReplication
-        template: *ci-master-f28
-        timeout: 3600
-        topology: *master_1repl
+        topology: *ipaserver
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