On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 09:22:05 -0700
Jason Gerard DeRose <jder...@redhat.com> wrote:

> So I've been working on migrating freeIPA from mod_python to mod_wsgi.
> This isn't a big change as the IPA server is already all WSGI
> internally, but I've run into 2 unexpected problems.
> mod_wsgi daemon mode
> ====================
> First, the easy problem.  The mod_wsgi documentation clearly states
> that the daemon mode is the preferred way to deploy.  See the
> "Defining Process Groups" section in:
>     http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ConfigurationGuidelines
> In daemon mode, Apache starts mod_wsgi in a separate process and
> communicates with it via a Unix socket.  Unfortunately, Fedora12
> doesn't support daemon mode nicely out of the box and tries create
> the socket in /etc/httpd/run, which of course make selinux mad (as it
> should).  I believe Apache is being run with the Apache home set
> to /etc/httpd (which itself seems weird to me, not sure if this is a
> bug).
> Anyway, we can fix this with the WSGISocketPrefix directive.  But this
> directive is server-scope (can't be virtual-host-scope), so we really
> need to fix this in the mod_wsgi package.  We just need to add this
> to /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf:
>     WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/httpd/wsgi
> This config file is owned by mod_wsgi, not IPA, so I don't think IPA
> should be writing stuff to this during it's install.  Again, needs to
> be fixed in the mod_wsgi package.  I haven't tried this under
> Fedora11 yet, so I don't know if the same problem is present there.

Shouldn't you open a bug against mod_wsgi in fedora and have it fixed
there ?

> Simplify Kerberos protected URLs
> ================================
> Currently in our URL space we have:
>     /ipa/xml   -  Kerberos protected
>     /ipa/json  -  Kerberos protected
>     /ipa/ui    -  Kerberos protected
>     /ipa/errors - Not protected
>     /ipa/config - Not protected
>     /ipa/crl    - Not protected
> Under mod_python, we have separate handlers for the xml, json, and ui
> URLs.  My upcoming patch has a new WSGI middleware component this is a
> single entry point at /ipa.  I did this so that the LDAP auth and
> session stuff is handled in exactly the same way regardless of which
> app is the final target.
> Anyway, right now we have to handle stuff in a pretty funky way
> (including under mod_python).  We turn on Kerb auth for /ipa, then
> turn it off for /ipa/errors and friends.  I would really like us to
> have two base URLs, something like this:
>     /ipa/*        - Kerberos projected
>     /ipa-static/* - Not projected

When you say "kerberos protected" do you mean it uses mod_auth_kerb for
each access, or does it include also pages you can access only if you
previously authenticated but are just using a session to validate it ?

I would say

/ipa/auth/* - only authenticated access
/ipa/* - anything else

> Doesn't have to be called ipa-static, just throwing a name out there.
> We can work around this (as we already do), but there 2 reasons I
> think we should do this:
>     1. Security - our current approach is confusing and opens us up to
>        mistakes (our mistakes or a sysadmin's).
>     2. Extensibility - in the V2 cycle we have added several new
> things in /ipa/*, some Kerberos protected, some not.  I'm sure this
> will happen again in the future, so we might as well clean this up
>        now.
> What do people think?  I'm not sure I explained this well, but look in
> install/conf/ipa.conf and you'll see what I mean.

your proposal looks sane I think we already tried to do that once,
better discipline should be used, but also a better, clear naming will
help. Perhaps adding a README in the directory that server /ipa/ that
explains what should go where, might help ?


Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

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