On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 14:53 -0500, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Jason Gerard DeRose wrote:
> > This is part1 of the mod_wsgi transition.  It provides a new plugin:
> > api.Backend.session.  This is a WSGI middleware component that will
> > create the LDAP connection and then route the request to the appropriate
> > WSGI application (/xml or /json or /ui).
> > 
> > The end result is that we have a single entry point (/ipa) instead of 3,
> > and we also use the exact same code path to create and destroy the LDAP
> > connection (which is obviously good for security).
> > 
> > All this still is running under mod_python, but my next patch switches
> > things to mod_wsgi (still have a few issues on that front).
> Ack.
> rob

pushed to master.  thanks for the review.

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