On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:06:01AM -0400, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> JR Aquino wrote:
> > I have encountered and troubleshot several instances recently where a user 
> > was present in more than 1 sudo rule.  One that permitted the user, the 
> > host, and commands, and another that permited the user, and host, but no 
> > commands.
> >
> > It was discovered that: 
> > * Sudo is a stop on first match...
> > * When sudo encounters a rule that matches the user and host it will stop 
> > even if it does not match the command that was executed.  We saw this to be 
> > the case even if there were other more permissive sudo rules matching the 
> > user and host.
> >
> > If FreeIPA keeps the current schema, a sudorule marked as a "deny", would 
> > only randomly be enforced over more permissive rules matching host and user.
> >
> > Sudo will only return a 'negation command' ahead of a permissive command 
> > /within the same rule/.
> >
> > It is a subtle and frustrating bug/feature to have to encounter and 
> > identify.
> >  
> > We could ask Todd Miller to confirm.
> >
> > From the Sudo Ldap Man Page:
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > -Differences between LDAP and non-LDAP sudoers-
> >
> > There are some subtle differences in the way sudoers is handled once in 
> > LDAP. Probably the biggest is that according to the RFC, LDAP ordering is 
> > arbitrary and you cannot expect that Attributes and Entries are returned in 
> > any specific order. If there are conflicting command rules on /an entry/, 
> > the negative takes precedence. This is called paranoid behavior (not 
> > necessarily the most specific match).
> >
> >     dn: cn=role1,ou=Sudoers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
> >     objectClass: sudoRole
> >     objectClass: top
> >     cn: role1
> >     sudoUser: johnny
> >     sudoHost: ALL
> >     sudoCommand: ALL
> >     sudoCommand: !/bin/sh
> >
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> >
> > Jr Aquino | Information Security Specialist
> > Citrix Online Division
> >
> >   
> I was aware of this writeup however I did not read it as there is a
> problem when there are multiple rules with negation. It actually nowhere
> says how SUDO handles multiple rules if they are mutually exclusive.
> Even in the current schema there is a problem when you have two rules
> and they contradict each other according to RFC this is a valid
> situation and thus should be handled correctly by SUDO. Do not take me
> wrong, I am willing to adjust the schema but if the SUDO utility can't
> handle contradicting rules even with the existing schema this is a very
> serious bug that we either should fix in SUDO or have a workaround. If
> you are right above that it does not look at other rules before making a
> decision and makes just based on one rule we can add the attribute(s) as
> you or I suggested but this generally limits the flexibility of the
> solution.
> Does anyone have experience with this behavior and can confirm the
> limitation?

I have done some test with:

dn: cn=rule2,ou=sudoers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: sudoRole
sudoHost: ALL
sudoCommand: !/usr/bin/less
sudoUser: sbose
cn: rule2

dn: cn=rule3,ou=sudoers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: sudoRole
sudoHost: ALL
sudoCommand: /usr/bin/less
sudoUser: sbose
cn: rule3

and also had a look at the source code. I can confirm that sudo stops
processing the rules on the first match, no different if the command is
allowed or denied.

I think this behaviour is a contradiction to 'paranoid behavior'. I
think that instead of

'If there are conflicting command rules on an entry, the negative takes

the "expected" (at least that's what I had expected) behavior is better
described by

"If there are conflicting command rules on an entry OR ON DIFFERENT
MATCHING ENTRIES, the negative takes precedence."

I would say this is a bug in sudo and should be fixed.

Maybe we can tweak the plugins of the IPA server in a way that the deny
rules are always send first (and hope that the client libraries do not
change the order of the entries :-).


> Thanks
> Dmitri
> >> May be I misunderstood how things work but my assumption was that SUDO
> >> will inspect multiple rules not just a rule returned by LDAP. Is this
> >> not the case? If it is the case then you are right that current schema
> >> is different and requires different grouping of the commands than with
> >> the standard schema but end result will be same. Let me try to
> >> illustrate it on example:
> >>
> >> Standard schema:
> >> Rule 1 has command A and !B
> >> Rule 2 has command C and !D
> >>
> >> In the new schema
> >> Rule X will have A & C
> >> Rule Y will be  negative and have C & D
> >>
> >> Of cause Rules 1/2 and X/Y can't apply to the same user groups as the
> >> current rules . The thought was that other set of groups will
> >> potentially used by the records in the new schema.
> >> The new schema directs people to think in better "abstraction" terms :
> >> These users on these hosts can do something.
> >> or
> >> These users on these hosts can't do something.
> >>
> >> It is a much cleaner and more intuitive administrative model than what
> >> standard SUDO schema offers.
> >> But if it is a wrong assumption and really does not add a value we
> >> should definitely reconsider.
> >>
> >> If proposed approach is really "wrong" then I would rather remove the
> >> accessRuleType and add another attribute memberNotCmd similar to
> >> memberCmd that will point to groups or individual commands that need to
> >> be prohibited. And then support additional  value of cmdCategory equal
> >> "none" that will imply that all sudo commands are prohibited. However I
> >> would argue that this is and overhead that "none" can be accomplished by
> >> totally disabling SUDO via HBAC. I would also argue that memberNotCmd &
> >> memberCmd in one rule are equivalent to two rules using same users/hosts
> >> but one for allowed commands and another for prohibited commands.
> >>
> >> So back to the example the assumption currently is that the SUDO will
> >> run through all the rules and match negative commands and then will do
> >> positive commands. In case of existing schema the prohibited commands
> >> will be scattered across multiple entries while in case of new schema
> >> they will be grouped in entries. Does this really matter for the SUDO
> >> usility how they are grouped and in what order they come? Based on the
> >> RFC it should not matter so I really do not see an issue other than
> >> forcing people to change rule definitions to do things in a more
> >> intuitive way.
> >>
> >> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Dmitri
> >>     
> -- 
> Thank you,
> Dmitri Pal
> Engineering Manager IPA project,
> Red Hat Inc.
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