On 10/06/2010 07:56 PM, Michael Gregg wrote:
I'm trying to add groups and users to a netgroup, I'm foing thinks like the following:

[r...@ipaqa64vmb ~]# ipa netgroup-add-member --groups=group1 n1
 Netgroup name: n1
 Description: aa
 NIS domain name: testdomain
Number of members added 0

It looks right to me.  Here's my output:

ipa netgroup-add-member  --groups=muppets --hostgroups=host-live net-live
  Netgroup name: net-live
  Description: live servers
  NIS domain name: ayoung.boston.devel.redhat.com
  Member Group: muppets
  Member Hostgroup: host-live
Number of members added 2
[ayo...@ipa freeipa]$ ipa netgroup-show net-live
  Netgroup name: net-live
  Description: live servers
  NIS domain name: ayoung.boston.devel.redhat.com
  Member Group: muppets
  Member Hostgroup: host-live

So something else must be going wrong. I assume that both group1 and netgroup n1 already exist in your system? Or maybe they have already been added to the netgroup? If you try to add the same entities more than once, the call succeeds, but the container remains unchanged.

Number of members added 0?
group1 exists, and netgroup n1 exists.
Am I doing this right? Is this a bug?


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