I think I have an approach that will work for pacaking up multiple commands at once.

Stage 1:

1. We create a new plugin, we call it bulk. For now, it will speak only JSON.

2.  The  json requests look like this:

|    {"method":"user_find","params":[[""],{}]},|
|    {"method":"user_show","params":[[""],{}]},|
|    {"method":"user_add","params":[[""],{}]},|

This gets sent as a single json_request.

On the server side, each request is pulled out of the params and the common items all=true and sizelimit=100 is added to each request. The resulting json request is then executed locally, without re-requiring the kerberos auth. THe response from the individual requests are put into the response array, like so:

||     "error": null,
||     "id": 2,
||     "result": {
||         "count": 1,
||         "result": [{
||      "error": null,                                          //start of the 
response for the first nested command.
||      "id": 1,
||      "result": {
||      "count": 1,
||      "result": [
||              {
||                      "cn": [
||                      "Administrator"
||      ],|


Thus the plugin is responsible for processing each request, marshalling up the return and adding it to the current response.

Stage 2: we add an asynchronous mechanism. We add an option for the email notification address to the bulk plugin. The response returns immediately. Meanwhile, the plugin hands off the processing of the initial request to a queue that will be handled by another thread or process, and email the response to the address. Alternatively, we email back just an abbreviated status message.

Stage 3: Store the response in a filesystem or the DirSrv, and mail back a link that allows the user to fetch the status.

I really only care about Stage 1 for now. THe json_metadata plugin is getting loaded up with too many unrelated calls in it. I'd like to be able to craft and arbitraty message that gets sent and returned with all of the information required to initialize the IPA Web UI.

user-find  --whoami
Effective rights
plugin lists (to enable/disable UI features based on what is active)

While we would do this initially as a JSON only call, the XML-RPC should nest the same way. I leave it to Rob and Simo to figureo ut if this would support the CLI, but it seems to me that it should be pretty easy to do:

ipa bulk
>ipa user-mod ...
>ipa user-del ...
>upa group-add ...

And have that sent as a single command, with the responses again parsed out by the cli. Then the user can do:

cat mycommands | ipa bulk > bulk.response

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