On 11/15/2010 11:00 AM, Adam Young wrote:
On 11/15/2010 10:58 AM, Adam Young wrote:
On 11/13/2010 11:14 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:

Please review the attached patch. Thanks!


The HBAC details page has been enhanced to support Undo and Reset operations. The functionality is implemented in the base widget class so the behavior will be more consistent across widgets. A <span> tag now used to define the field boundary in the HTML doc. The tag contains the visual representation of the field which include the input tag and optionally the undo link.

The Update method on HBAC details page has been modified so that it executes several operations using a batch command. The operations being executed depends on the changes made to the fields. These operations may include:
 - removing access time if access time is changed to any time

This didn't seem to work. The rest of it was fine, but I still see the acces time I added

 - removing memberships if member category is changed to all
 - modifying rule attributes if description or rule type is changed
 - enabling/disabling the rule if rule status is changed

The behavior of the Add & Remove buttons also has been changed such that it adjust the category attribute properly in addition to adding the memberships using batch command. For example, if category is initially set to all, adding a new member will also change the category to empty.

The ipa_command have been modified to store the on_success and on_error handlers as properties. When the command is executed as a part of batch operation, the result of each command will be passed to the appropriate handler.

The unit tests and test data have been updated as well.

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BTW, I rebased and merged on top of my one line fix.  Here's the updated.

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