Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Breaking the thread intentionally to bring back focus.
> With Adam's recent input, I've modified the grammar to what I hope will
> be it's final form.
> The complete grammar is available at
> The differences from my previous proposal (involving septets) is here:
> The primary change is that instead of introducing the septet concept, we
> will specify "day within a range". So the first Friday of the month
> would be:
> accessTime = periodic monthly on Fri between 1-7
> Tuesdays for the second half of the month would be:
> accessTime = periodic monthly on Tue between 15-31
> I don't anticipate that last being very common, but it's now possible.
> Please chime in if you have any further comments about the grammar, or
> we will declare this final and move to adjusting the implementation next
> week.
Why you are making it singular?
Why it can't be:
accessTime = periodic monthly on Tue, Thu between 15-31
accessTime = periodic monthly on Mon-Wed between 15-31
accessTime = periodic monthly on 1,2,3 between 15-31 <- meaning same as

It seems that "singular" in this case is an artificial limitation.
However I would also treat the last portion of the rule differently.
In stead of:

M-on = "on" WSP day-of-the-week-singular WSP "between" WSP 
day-of-the-month-range = range 1-31

M-on = "on" WSP day-of-the-week WSP "during-7-day-set" WSP day-set
day-set = day-set-list / day-set-range
day-set-list = "1-7","8-14","15-21","22-28","29+"
or alternatively
day-set-list = "1","2","3","4","5" <- meaning first seven days, second seven 
days etc.
if we use this version them day-set-range can be just:
day-set-range = 1-5
otherwise it might be a bit more ugly.
If we now combine day set-list and day set range into one list range in the 
same way as we allow in interval for days we would be able to express

accessTime = periodic monthly on Tue, Thu between 15-31

it will look like:

accessTime = periodic monthly on Tue, Thu during-7-day-set 2-3          
accessTime = periodic monthly on Tue, Thu during-7-day-set 2,3

as well as 
accessTime = periodic monthly on Tue, Thu during-7-day-set 1            <--- 
meaning first Tue and Thu of the month


accessTime = periodic monthly on Tue, Thu during-7-day-set 1-5          <--- 
meaning all Tue and Thu of the month

I would actually argue that we would be able to reuse the interval logic from 
the month for this so it should not be more work than what has been proposed.

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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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