On 12/7/2010 6:25 PM, JR Aquino wrote:
This patch Addresses items:
  1. The UI needs a rule status with values active&  inactive. The CLI doesn't 
have this attribute. HBAC has ipaenabledflag attribute which can be managed using 
hbac-enable/disable operations.
  2. The UI needs a user category for the "Who" section. The CLI doesn't have 
this attribute. HBAC has usercategory attribute which can be managed using hbac-add/mod 
  3. The UI needs a host category for the "Access this host" section. The CLI 
doesn't have this attribute. HBAC has hostcategory attribute which can be managed using 
hbac-add/mod operations.

Hi JR, thanks for the patch. I have tested it, items #2 and #3 work. However, for item #1 it's still missing the sudorule-enable/disable operations which are needed to set the ipaenabledflag.

This patch itself is fine, so I pushed it to master. You could submit the enable/disable operations in a separate patch. Thanks!

Endi S. Dewata

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