Correction to patch.
The previous patch inherited a line for patch #13

This has been corrected in the attached patch.

On 1/10/11 3:11 PM, "JR Aquino" <> wrote:

>Attached is a patch to fix the sudo compat plugin.
>Ticket# 742:
>The sudo compat plugin should allow for the presence of:
>Command Category: ALL
>sudoCommand: !/usr/bin/less
>Currently the plugin is set to overwrite any other sudoCommand attribute
>in favor of just 'ALL'
>The plugin should continue to supersede 'permit' commands, but it should
>not override 'deny' commands.
>Ticket updated with the attached patch.
>Please ack and push.
>Freeipa-devel mailing list

Attachment: binAsYzd8FTYt.bin
Description: freeipa-jraquino-0014-2-bugfix-for-sudo-compat-cmdcat-and-deny-commands.patch

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