On 5/20/2011 11:10 AM, Adam Young wrote:
Works well on a liver server, but didn't work with my static checkout.

The filter wouldn't work with static checkout because it expects the server to return filtered data, but you should still be able to view the contents for different entities.

The keystroke filtering is very nice, and would be useful.

I'm not sure this is a good thing because it will trigger many unnecessary queries. It might be better if we can use some kind of time delay (e.g. 1 second after the last keystroke).

The number of results returned can be changed with the additional

Do you mean the sizelimit? Without the ability to specify the starting index (i.e. pagination) it's usage will be rather limited.

Sorting can be done on the client side if needs be.
array.sort(/sortfunction/) where the sortfunction parameter would be
able to compare two rows based on the specified field. I'd like to
disable the sorting feature until less than 200 results are returned, so
as not to give the impression that we are doing server side sorting.

Client-side sorting will only work if the client has the entire data. If the data is only partially returned (because of pagination or truncation), the client can only sort that subset of data, not the entire database, which is probably not what people would expect.

Endi S. Dewata

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