
while investigating #1549 and #1550 I stumbled upon a problem. We create
Param(s) as read only entities. This means that using standard methods,
any modifications to Param instances are denied. What happens in #1549
and #1550 is that the code in Param.validate() relies on availability of
existing context to determine whether name or cli_name of a param
instance should be used.

By itself it is fine as context is passed to Param.validate() within
environment. The decision what to pass is done in Param.__call__():

    def __call__(self, value, **kw):
        One stop shopping.
        if value in NULLS:
            value = self.get_default(**kw)
            value = self.convert(self.normalize(value))
        if hasattr(self, 'env'):
            self.validate(value, self.env.context)
        return value

If this Param instance has attribute 'env', we use its context. However,
the instance in itself is ReadOnly and gets locked at the very end of

So this makes a case when immediately after creating a parameter we
can't assign it any environment, its environment always stays None and
the code in __call__() always calls validate() without context.

A fix I found is quite bad as it violates ReadOnly promise:

diff --git a/ipalib/frontend.py b/ipalib/frontend.py
index 3534310..1c7071a 100644
--- a/ipalib/frontend.py
+++ b/ipalib/frontend.py
@@ -344,6 +344,9 @@ class HasParam(Plugin):
         for spec in get():
             param = create_param(spec)
             if env is None or param.use_in_context(env):
+                if env is not None and not hasattr(param, 'env'):
+                    # Force specified environment
+                    object.__setattr__(param, 'env', env)
                 yield param

     def _create_param_namespace(self, name, env=None):

Does anybody have better suggestion?
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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