2012/6/5 Sigbjorn Lie <sigbj...@nixtra.com>

> On Fri, June 1, 2012 15:24, Simo Sorce wrote:
> > This is about Ticket 1978 (originally rhbz746036).
> >
> >
> > This RFE asks for storing private SSH Host Keys in FreeIPA.
> >
> >
> > We have been triaging this ticket today, and I have to admit I am biased
> > toward simply closing down the ticket.
> >
> > However we want to reach out community and interested parties that
> > opened the tick to understand if there are reasons strong enough to
> consider implementing it.
> >
> > The reason I am against this is that in FreeIPA we already provide
> > public Key integration. This means that when the host is re-installed
> new keys are loaded in IPA
> > and clients do not get the obnoxious warning message that keys have
> changed, because enrolled
> > clients (with the appropriate integration bits) trust FreeIPA so they do
> not need to ask the user
> > to confirm on a key change.
> >
> > Storing Private Keys poses various liability issues, in order to be able
> > to restore keys you need to give access to those keys to an admin, as
> there is no other way to
> > authenticate just the host itself (it was just blown away and
> reinstalled). This means any admin
> > account that can perform reinstalls need to have access to *read*
> private keys out of LDAP, which
> > means that A) The central tenet of Asymetric authentication is that
> private keys
> > are 'private'. B) keys are readable from LDAP to some accounts, any
> slight error in
> > ACIs would risk exposing all private keys.
> > C) most probably low level (junior admin) accounts will have read access
> > to pretty much all private keys, because those admins are the one tasked
> with re-installs. However
> > those admins are also the ones less trusted, yet by giving them access
> to private keys they are
> > enabled to perform MITM attacks against pretty much any of the machines
> managed by FreeIPA.
> >
> >
> > For these reasons I am against storing SSH Private Keys. I would like to
> > know what are the reasons to instead implement this feature and the
> security considerations around
> > those reasons.
> >> From my point of view the balance between feature vs security issues
> >>
> > trips in disfavor of implementing the feature but I am willing to be
> convinced otherwise if there
> > are good reasons to, and security issues can be properly addressed with
> some clever scheme.
> >
> I think there has been some confusion here. What I was looking for was a
> way to prevent the users
> from receiving a message when ssh'ing into a host that's been reinstalled,
> that the host's key has
> changed.
> I believe will become availabe in the future version IPA 2.2 / RHEL 6.3?

So what you're looking for is an automatic deployment of known_hosts in a
centralised way (/etc/ssh) each time a new machine is deployed  in an IPA
domain ?


Jérôme Fenal - jfenal AT gmail.com - http://fenal.org/
Paris.pm - http://paris.mongueurs.net/
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