On Wed, 2012-06-27 at 23:02 +0930, William Brown wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been working on adding support for FreeIPA to support
> configuration storage for ISC-DHCP 4.X servers. I have added the schema
> which is included at installation, added the template / empty files that
> will be filled in and used for the installation and created the ipalib
> plugin for this. At this stage, this feature is still far from done. I
> would appreciate a review of the work I have done to ensure I am on the
> right track.

Hi William,
the approach seem fine, however I am a bit concerned about the default
dhcp schema.

Maybe we can catch over IRC and hash out a bit how we are going to see
this working in large networks.

> I would like to know if there is a better way to add ACLs than by
> manually updating ldap by hand (IE, using the ACL libraries) (See
> /install/share/dhcpd.ldif).

Basic ACIs are added that way at install, you should actually modify the
default install ldif I think and create an .update file for when we
upgrade servers.


Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

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