On 8/10/2012 6:11 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
WebUI catches the fact that the user can't access LDAP server with a
current ticket. It shows form-based auth login dialog. Previoustly an
ugly error was returned on an almost empty page, and user had no recourse.


I don't like the implementation much. Problem is that we don't separate
state variables and framework objects in IPA object. It is probably a
topic for fixing in 3.2.

I don't have an environment to test this, but the code looks fine, so it's ACKed.

Some comments:

1. The logged_kerberos and logged_password cannot be true at the same time, right? Maybe they can be combined into a single variable (e.g. login_status) which different values for unauthenticated, logged in via kerberos, and logged in via password. Maybe the 'initialized' variable can be combined too.

2. I agree about the state variables & framework objects separation. Currently the 'IPA' object is both used as a singleton/global variable and also as a name space for the framework. I think ideally we should use a generic/non-IPA specific name for the framework. Probably something like this:

  // UI Framework
  var UI = { ... };
  UI.entity = function() { ... };
  UI.facet = function() { ... };

  // IPA UI
  var IPA = UI();
  IPA.user.entity = function() { ... };
  IPA.user.details_facet = function() { ... };


Endi S. Dewata

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