On 9/5/2012 9:08 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
Integers were missing most of minimum checks and Decimals boundaries
weren't checked at all in Web UI.

First part is done in ipalib, second in Web UI.

1) [PATCH] 206 Fixed metadata serialization of Numbers and DNs:
There were following problems:
1. DNs and Decimals weren't properly serialized. Serialization output
was object with empty __base64__ attribute. It was fixed by converting
them to string.
2. numberical values equal to 0 were excluded from metadata. It broke
many of minvalue checks in Web UI. Now excluding only None and False
values as initially intended.


2)[PATCH] 207 Added decimal checks to metadata validator:
Metadata validator didn't have check for decimal values. It was added.


3)[PATCH] 208 Generated metadata for testing updated
Testing metadata needs to be updated because of fix in json serialization.


Endi S. Dewata

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