On Sat, 04 May 2013, Sumit Bose wrote:
On Sat, May 04, 2013 at 06:02:27PM +0300, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On Sat, 04 May 2013, Sumit Bose wrote:
>On Sat, May 04, 2013 at 08:13:17AM +0300, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>>On Fri, 03 May 2013, Sumit Bose wrote:
>>>On Fri, May 03, 2013 at 09:46:47PM +0300, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>>>>Attached are patches to allow resolving SIDs in Web UI in external
>>>>membership panel for groups. Please see more detailed description in the
>>>>main patch.
>>>>I haven't rebased it yet on top of Petr's Web UI rework, hopefully it
>>>>should be simple.
>>>>Since framework doesn't allow to hide commands from CLI, underlying
>>>>command is usable from CLI too:
>>>># ipa trust-resolve 
>>>> Name: enterprise read-only domain controll...@ad.lan
>>>> SID: S-1-5-21-3502988750-125904550-3683905862-498
>>>> Name: administra...@ad.lan
>>>> SID: S-1-5-21-3502988750-125904550-3683905862-500
>>>> Name: domain adm...@ad.lan
>>>> SID: S-1-5-21-3502988750-125904550-3683905862-512
>>>>/ Alexander Bokovoy
>>>>+        try:
>>>>+            sids = map(lambda x: str(x), options['sids'])
>>>>+            xlate = pysss_nss_idmap.getnamebysid(sids)
>>>The latest version, which is already committed to sssd, return a dict.
>>>The output of ipa trust-resolve now look like:
>>>[root@ipa18-devel ~]# ipa trust-resolve 
>>> Name: {'type': 3, 'name': u'administrator@ad18.ipa18.devel'}
>>> SID: S-1-5-21-3090815309-2627318493-3395719201-500
>>> Name: {'type': 2, 'name': u'enterprise read-only domain 
>>> SID: S-1-5-21-3090815309-2627318493-3395719201-498
>>> Name: {'type': 2, 'name': u'domain users@ad18.ipa18.devel'}
>>> SID: S-1-5-21-3090815309-2627318493-3395719201-513
>>>>+            for sid in xlate:
>>>>+              entry = dict()
>>>>+               entry['sid'] = [unicode(sid)]
>>>>+               entry['name'] = [unicode(xlate[sid])]
>>>I think you need  entry['name'] = 
>>Fixed, thanks!
>>I also added type conversion to a text (user, group, both). The type is not 
shown by default
>>in CLI but is available through --all option. We might consider using it
>>in Web UI for visual hint about the name nature.
>>>I tried with firefox, but the SIDs of the external members are not
>>>resolved. Do I have to clean any firefox cache?
>>No, you do not. When picking up changes from my development VM, I
>>omitted one chunk in group.js where sid_facet was actually taken in use.
>>Without that one nothing is used.
>>Updated patch 0103 is attached, tested against sssd in ipa-devel repo
>>which already includes your patches.
>I'm sorry, it still does not work for me in firefox on F18 32bits. Can
>you give me some hints where to look what the WebUI is trying to do?

sorry, I meant how to debug the WebUI.
Petr wrote these notes:

You'd need to put breakpoint in association.js, in
sidxlate_command.on_success(),  once you used sync.sh to
copy over non-compiled version of the UI javascript code.

>'ipa trust-resolve' on the command line is working well.
Navigate from top /ipa/ui to:
 - Identity|User groups
   - select specific group
     - select 'External' tab

I recorded small animated sequence that shows how it looks in new Web
UI: http://abbra.fedorapeople.org/.paste/freeipa-sid-resolve-new-web-ui.gif

I only see the SIDs with your patches applied. I used master with your git
patches. Do I need the patches for the new WebUI and your additional
patch for that as well?
GIT master with my patches should be enough -- if you used 0103 revision 1

Additional patch part is only for new Web UI rebase for

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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