Here's a little preview:

[tbabej@vm-001 ~]$ sudo ipa-advise fedora-authconfig
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authconfig instructions for configuring Fedora 18/19 client with IPA server without use of SSSD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /sbin/authconfig --enableldap --ldapserver=vm-001.idm.com --enablerfc2307bis --enablekrb5
As the output is almost usable for cut&paste to run on client
machines, may be prefix the description/instructions with #?

Sure, that's a good idea. Then you could simply do

[tbabej@vm-001 ~]$ sudo ipa-advise fedora-authconfig > script.sh
[tbabej@vm-001 ~]$ scp script.sh vm-002:script.sh
[tbabej@vm-002 ~]$ ./script.sh

I'll include that change in the next revision

Also, adding this to the wiki page for plugin authors as an convention wouldn't hurt.

On the second thought, we run the risk of people mindlessly using the generated scripts without even looking at them though.


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