On 09/09/2013 03:46 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Mon, 2013-09-09 at 13:00 +0200, Petr Viktorin wrote:
On 09/07/2013 04:45 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
Sorry to come late to this thread.

I think I like some of Petr plan, but not all of it.

It could get ugly real fast, and potentially cause a lot of extra processing. I
think the object(s) for each attribute should be considered so these wouldn't
have to be applied to every ACI but only those that are affected. We don't need
to worry about userPassword in groups, for example.

I think that a decision that a param should not be included in default read
rule should be included in the param object itself, see below.

I really do not want to see the ACI templates/definition/call it how you
want int the framework, because the framework will need to change with
versions of IPA but the data may remain in LDAP for long. therefore any
ACI template should be stored in LDAP, probably under cn=etc,$suffix.

It may make sense to have cn=aci-templates,cn=etc,$suffix, and then
within that container (accessible only by security admins) we have one
template per object/container, that is used to generate ACIs.

Something like:

dn: cn=users,cn=aci-templates,cn=etc,$suffix
objectclass: ipaAciTemplate
anonReadAttributes: <multivalue list>
authReadAttributes: <multivalue list>
selfReadAttributes: <multivalue list>
selfWriteAttributes: <multivalue list>

and so on.
These are the defaults, only attributes that must be disclosed are
listed, *no* negative lists, the default is changed globaly to deny all,
and if there is no allow ACI an attribute is inaccessible by default.

This allows easy customization, if someone decides 'description' should
be kept confidential, all he needs to do is to remove it from the right
list (and perhaps add it to a privileged list), and just run a tool that
regenerates and changes the default ACIs for the container.
* No need to modify framework code anywhere. *

+1 to storing the attribute lists in LDAP. I don't like the Template
idea though.

The template is just an example, we can negotiate on it :)

First, on IPA upgrades, we need to be able to add attributes to the
ACIs. Automatically.
We cannot make the IPA-generated lists user-modifiable. If some past
upgrade added a readable 'description' attribute, but the admin decides
that it should not be readable, the next upgrade should not re-add it.
So we need to store the IPA defaults and user changes separately.

We solved this problem in the past for LDAP updates, I agree it is a
problem we need to address, and I agree the way we have done in the past
with .update files may not be up to task for the ACI system, so let's

How have we solved it? AFAIK, currently if the LDAP updater sees a state that used to be default in an old IPA version but changed, it will overwrite it with the new state.

So if the current IPA version adds an attribute that you don't want, you're out of luck: removing it reverts to the old state, which will get updated next time you upgrade.

Also, if you *add* an attribute, the resulting ACI no longer matches the default so the LDAP updater won't ever touch it again.

Second, we already have a place where users can customize ACIs: the
permissions. I don't see the point of another layer.

Well, you want a 'blueprint' for the permissions, where you set the
system defaults, I called it template.

The only thing we're adding here over regular permissions is the
aforementioned ability to auto-add new attributes on upgrades.
We just need a special "managed" permission for each object's "anon
read", "auth read", "self read", "self write", etc.

I propose a new Permission type with three lists:

attributes added by IPA,
^^^ this is equivalent to what I called 'template', only you make it
read-only for admins

  attributes added by the admin, and attributes removed by the admin.
^^^ and this sounds like a read-write, second order version of a

I am not entirely sure I like the complexity of layered templates, but I
do understand the proposal, and will think a little bit more about it, I
am not opposed in principle to your scheme.

On IPA updates, new items can be added to the first list, and the ACI
gets regenerated from all three. This ensures that an admin's changes
get preserved across updates.

How do you handle a case where we add 'read-only by admin' for an
attribute that was not in the default ACI list at all previously, but
the admin already added 'read by everyone' in the custom ACI ?
This is the kind of thing that makes me dislike the 2 separate sets, now
you need intra-set conflict resolution.

There would be two permissions: "read by admin" and "read by everyone".
Both would now allow reading the attribute, so it would be readable by anyone -- as the admin wanted.

I don't see any need for intra-set conflict resolution. The algorithm is simple -- take IPA defaults, add admin-added attributes, filter out admin-excluded attributes, allow the resulting set. Recompute whenever any of the lists changes.

If we mark a Permission as SYSTEM, old IPA versions won't try to locate
or touch its ACI, but they'll still be able to add it to privileges and
roles using the existing API/CLI/UI.

I do not understand the nuances of this SYSTEM permission, can you
explain why we want it, and why it should't "locate or touch its ACI"
whatever it really means ?

Permissions are IPA objects that encapsulate the underlying ACIs and make them easier to manage. Permissions are less flexible than raw ACIs. Sometimes they need more power than what the Permission UI exposes, so we mark them as SYSTEM. The CLI/UI then doesn't read or update the underlying ACI. If we add permissions that work differently than the existing ones, we can mark them SYSTEM so *old IPA* doesn't try to manipulate the underlying ACIs. (And we need to add some kind of permision versioning, in case the functionality changes again.)

So we'd have something like:

cn=Read Users,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,$SUFFIX
objectclass: ipaPermission
objectclass: ipaManagedPermission
ipaDefaultAttributes: <multivalue list>
ipaAdminAddedAttributes: <multivalue list>
ipaAdminExcludedAttributes: <multivalue list>
ipaPermissionType: SYSTEM

Admins that don't want IPA updates messing with their ACIs can just
remove the permission from privileges and add custom plain permissions
(Or possibly even convert the default permission to non-managed, or
delete it -- if we write UI to do+undo these actions.)

Sounds a bit fragile, I think you never want to remove system defaults,
because you will always want to be able to go back to a known state if
you mess up. Maybe we can mark something as DISABLED and preserve

Removing the permission from the privilege is like disabling, you can always add it back. We just need to make sure IPA doesn't overwrite the admin's choice on updates.


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