Hello list,

Jan Pazdziora <jpazdzi...@redhat.com> proposed that 'ipa dns*' commands should do some sanity checking/waiting after the record is added to LDAP.

I think that it could be valuable and I would like to get opinions from freeipa-devel list.

=== The problem ===
ipa dnsrecord-add and similar commands add the data to LDAP, but it doesn't mean that the data are *immediately* resolvable via DNS protocol. Note that data from LDAP are *asynchronously* read and processed by Named and the time when records are available is not predictable.

A mismatch between LDAP can be caused by some connection problem between DNS and LDAP servers, LDAP or DNS server restart, or simply by a bug in DNS<->LDAP synchronization code. (This is becomming more and more important if we consider the whole DNSSEC effort and related re-factoring.)

My experience is that users are very confused if the ipa dnsrecord-add command says 'record added' but it is still not available via DNS. It is really hard to debug when you see the problem first 10 times :-)

=== The proposal ===
1. Let FreeIPA framework to change DNS data in LDAP as we do now.
2. After each change, do DNS queries for changed record and wait until the new data are available.

IMHO it is very cheap operation (in usual cases 1 DNS packet back and forth) and it would save a lot of headaches to users and support.

This will naturally catch the case where named crashes after the change etc.

=== Expected outcome ===
There will not be any failure like this:

$ ipa-adtrust-install

$ ipa dnszone-add $AD_DOMAIN --name-server=advm.$AD_DOMAIN --admin-email="hostmaster@$AD_DOMAIN.com" --force --forwarder=$AD_IP --forward-policy=only --ip-address=$AD_IP
          Zone name: dom123.example.com

$ ipa trust-add --type=ad DOM123.EXAMPLE.COM --admin Administrator --password
        Password for ad...@dom123.example.com:
        ipa: ERROR: Cannot find specified domain or server name

Petr^2 Spacek

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