On 01/09/2014 02:32 PM, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
This patch is independent from my patches 0028-0031 and can be merged in
any order.

This patch has a bug, but I can't figure it out. We need to set
nsslapd-access-userattr-strict on cn=config to "off". However, during
the rpm installation, I get this error:

DEBUG Unhandled LDAPError: UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM: {'info': 'Deleting
attributes is not allowed', 'desc': 'Server is unwilling to perform'}
ERROR Update failed: Server is unwilling to perform: Deleting attributes
is not allowed

I'm not sure what is causing this. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I believe the IPA update mechanism works by doing a modify/del of the attribute followed by a modify/add. By default, cn=config restricts the attributes which can be deleted. You can add nsslapd-access-userattr-strict to this list. Unfortunately, it is rather painful to do so.

Method one: Don't use the ipa update mechanism to update this attribute. Instead, just use an ldap modify directly e.g. using ldapmodify:
ldapmodify ....
dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsslapd-access-userattr-strict
nsslapd-access-userattr-strict: off

or in python-ldap:
conn = ldap.connection(my ldap url)
conn.simple_bind_s("cn=directory manager", "password")
mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsslapd-access-userattr-strict", ['off'])]
conn.modify_s("cn=config", mod)

Method two: allow deletion of nsslapd-access-userattr-strict in order to use ipa update method This will unfortunately require the use of something other than the ipa update method, again. 1) do a search to get the current value in cn=config nsslapd-allowed-to-delete-attrs - it is a single space delimited list
2) add nsslapd-access-userattr-strict to the list
3) mod/replace the value


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