On 02/12/2014 11:05 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
> <text omitted>
>> Pushed both patches to master, but just the first to ipa-3-3 as the test
>> updating patch did not apply (a lot).
>> Martin, you will need to check if DNS tests pass in ipa-3-3, I assume there 
>> are
>> changes required.
>> Martin
> Patch for ipa-3-3 tests attached.


I see one more failure:

FAIL: test_host[38]: host_add: Test that validation is enabled on adds
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 197, in runTest
  File "/root/freeipa-master/ipatests/test_xmlrpc/xmlrpc_test.py", line 283, in
    func = lambda: self.check(nice, **test)
  File "/root/freeipa-master/ipatests/test_xmlrpc/xmlrpc_test.py", line 297, in
    self.check_exception(nice, cmd, args, options, expected)
  File "/root/freeipa-master/ipatests/test_xmlrpc/xmlrpc_test.py", line 323, in
    assert_deepequal(expected.strerror, e.strerror)
  File "/root/freeipa-master/ipatests/util.py", line 352, in assert_deepequal
    VALUE % (doc, expected, got, stack)
AssertionError: assert_deepequal: expected != got.

  expected = u"invalid 'hostname': invalid domain-name: only letters, numbers,
and - are allowed. DNS label may not start or end with -"
  got = u"invalid 'hostname': invalid domain-name: only letters, numbers, '-'
are allowed. DNS label may not start or end with '-'"
  path = ()


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